Dear Colleagues:

Just a short note to let you know that I recently ran across a really nice
table from the US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission concerning the use of
radioisotopes in breastfeeding women.  This table is the first documentation
that I have seen that is "realistic" in its recommendations.

This regulation suggests that if the doses are of said strength,  the
Radiologist is required by law to make these recommendations to the mother.
Now as you all know, they generally never look at this table, but instead
opt for some unrealistic recommendation such as "stop breastfeeding"

However, this table carries the weight of a Federal Agency.  So you could
copy this table, give it to your clients, the Radiologist would
automatically have the accurate NRC data.

So how do you get this table?  Its in my WEB page under "Breastfeeding and
Radioisotopes".   The Regulatory Guide 8.39 Guide (21 pages) is the complete
guidelines (they're really hard to read),  so I just abstracted Table 3.
which is the exact recommendations for breastfeeding mothers.


Tom Hale, R.Ph., Ph.D.