Dr. Jack,
Good luck with the interview. You have such a no-nonsense, bf is
perfectly normal approach, that I don't see how you could not do a
wonderful job.
I think the sexual feelings issue has to do with semantics and context.
Personally I have never felt what I would consider sexual or orgasmic
feelings while bf. However, the feelings are very sensual, i.e.
involving many senses.  And can be overwhelming to the point of tears
and great joy, sort of like falling in love and making love in those
early days/months with your mate. (and really, what you are doing is
falling in love with your baby). And if you consider a woman's sexual
reproductive cycle to include pregnancy, parturition, lactation, then
lactation can be called sexual. Webster's gives this as the definition
for sexual:
1. of, relating to, affecting, or typical of sex, the sexes, or the sex
organs and their functions. 2. implying or symbolizing erotic desires or
activity. 3. of or involving the union of male and female gametes.
So I think bf is #1 if breasts are considered sex organs, which they
could be since they are part of the reproductive cycle, as much as the
uterus is, I would say, to grow and nourish a baby.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch Campaign
Violet Louisiana, USA
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