Dear Toni,

I think your mom's problem has more to do with oversupply and overactive
MER than it may have to do with the shield.  You stated that the baby
chokes without the shield - he is not likely to want to go to the bare
breast if the experience is always unpleasant.  The shield is acting as a
buffer between the baby and this mom's powerful milk flow . Have mom work
on the milk supply/MER issue so that breastfeeding will be more pleasant
for this baby.  Keeping the baby on the same breast for several feeds in
a row, while pumping to comfort on the other side, is one way to reduce
an overabundant milk supply.  Positioning the baby so that he is above
the breast during a feed helps to prevent choking.  Perhaps it would be
best for now to try removing the shield at the end of the feed when milk
ejection should be ebbing. If baby will take breast at that time, she
could try expressing/pumping off initial fast flow and see if baby will
then go to breast at once or at least, more quickly.   If moms supply is
really huge, she could even try drinking sage or parsley tea for awhile
(but be careful, her supply could drop quickly if she is really sensitive
to the tea).

Sharon Knorr, BSMT, LLLL, IBCLC
Lactation Consultant Services
Rochester, New York
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