To  : Nola
Re  : ACE inhibitors

The ACE inhibitors are considered Pregnancy Risk Category D in pregnant
women,  not only because they may be teratogenic, but because when used in
the second and third trimesters, and the infant is born with ACE inhibitors
on board, the infant has a high and dangerous risk of being hypotensive and

Hypotension, neonatal anemia, hyperkalemia, neonatal skull hypoplasia,
anuria, oligohydramnios, intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity, and
renal failure have been reported in fetuses and neonates exposed to ACE
inhibitors.  Most of these effects apparently do not occur with exposure in
the first trimester,  but their incidence increases during the second and
third trimesters.

So I would be really hesitant to ever recommend a pregnant women use an ACE


Tom Hale, Ph.D.