I hope I am sending this properly
I have a question about honeybee biology.
I am not very well educated on bee biology (I am an engineer)
I have looked up some fascinating articles , and understand the flower
marking and dance info.
This tends to support, in part, the possibilities of some "rumor" floating
around about southwest USA bee production
The Rumor
There is an alrming increase of solar flare activity that will peak sometime
in the year 2000
solar flares produce x-rays, and elevated UV
Of course, these are very short "bursts" of energy that only last minutes.
however... stories have started (as stories enevitably do when anything
unusual happens) including
 - sunburning through clothing
 - doughts
 - increase risk of wildfire
 - bee blindness
- wait a minute! back up...
Bee blindness?
how did THAT ever get into the list?
This is precisely why I am writing to your distinguished group.
An "Urban Legends" (AKA "wives tales) group list that i am active with has a
thread about this that I would like to report further on.
besides some humorous theories of "seeing eye flies" and "break dancing
bees" ... I have reported some interesting facts about UV sight and the
importance of "bullseye" marking, etc.
Thier has been some interested response... most people out thier take this
fascinating natural cycle for granted.
one interest that resulted from this apparent "tall tail" ... that I
"Whats the scoop with bees and weather... ?"
* can bees be blinded by some phenomina?
* What is termed blinded?
  - is it a temparary condition as the result of a "pulse" of UV or some
other event?
  - is it a permanent thing?
* is this a concern in the honeybee comunity?
* are thier any examples of this actually happening.
I would appreciate any information from your group that may inform me, and
give me the opertunity to inform others.
I may be emailed at [log in to unmask]
thank you in advance...
Roiz Wolf
I warn any reader not to let the concept of a "break dancing" bee come to
mind while drinking coffie
( I actually choked for 10 minutes)