A happier story, in a way, than my other post.
Baby was born 7 months ago, not in the hospital I work in. Normal
delivery, fed well.
At 2 months became ill and admitted, not to my hospital. Found to be
allergic to dairy, Mum pumping until all dairy out of her system. Baby
on hypoallergenic formula in the meantime. Mum told she was getting too
tired to pump, so bottle feed instead.
One month later regrets this and contacts me to relactate. I lend her an
SNS and she starts domperidone. Is almost back to full supply now.
Meanwhile has been referred to Great Ormond St Hospital, the leading
children's hospital in the U.K. Has just found out that this baby has no
immune system and is waiting for bone marrow transplant. Was told that
it is the breastfeeding which is keeping her alive!
We had no idea of this when she started with the SNS. I am so glad that
I supported her wish to go back to breastfeeding, I was regarded as a
fanatic at the time and I will continue to be one.
This shows that to change to formula for no good reason can, just
occasionally, be a disaster and we have no idea which is the rare baby
to which this may mean the difference between life and death.
From one fanatic to 2200 others,
Carolyn Westcott RN IBCLC