Chuck, you are certainly doing well to have that much surplus honey the
first year.
With you second screen being only about 1/16 of an inch (.16 cm) I am
surprised you don t see quite a bit of suspended matter in both batches of
honey.  You need one more filter.  All the major bee supply houses sell fine
filters that would do fine for you.  They are usually plastic and designed
to fit over a 60 pound (five gallon) bucket.  They will last many, many
years and are completely washable.
If you do not want to buy one, a stocking will work well, but you will have
to find a way to suspend it above the pail.  Major paint stores also sell
filter cloth and the related hangers and these are also designed to fit on
five gallon buckets.
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Owner, Ross Rounds   the finest in comb honey production.