Hi All
I noticed the thread on the feeders and what to put in.
Another thing, similar to the hay Andy mentioned, is to use
polystyrene pellets from packing material.
I use these and find they work reasonably well - if however the bees
get overexcited they tend to push each other under, so using a
dilutish sugar is better. The bees chew the styrofoam up and use it
in their propolis - so if your are selling propolis this is not a
good idea.
Another thing that is quite interesting is how they stick all the
pieces together after a while making almost a raft. Reduces the
efficiency of the setup though.
Keep well
Garth Cambray           Camdini Apiaries
Grahamstown             Apis mellifera capensis
Eastern Cape Prov.
South Africa
Time = Honey
After careful consideration, I have decided that if I am ever a V.I.P
the I. may not stand for important.
(rather influential, ignorant, idiotic, intelectual, illadvised etc)