I am in contact with a mom who is pumping for her 9 month old triplets.
She bought very wide elastic from the fabric store & pinned two pieces
together, leaving an opening in front for the flanges.  She sewed velcro
on the ends & fastens it in front.  The wide elastic holds the flanges &
leaves her hands free for other tasks when she is pumping.  She is
working full time & the babies refuse to nurse.  With the help of More
Milk tincture & six  20 min pumping sessions she gets about 34 oz/day
(enough for each baby to have 1/3 EBM).  I believe she deserves the
valent mom award.  Her goal is breastmilk for one year.

Sylvia Boyd,   CLE,   PT,   LCCE
Hayward, CA
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