What would the legal position be if a baby was harmed in the US while
separated from it's mother, other than at the mother's request?  Would the
hospital be liable?  In the UK - at least in hospitals I am familiar, and
certainly in the hospitals who have already achieved, or are working
towards, UNICEF UK Baby Friendly status, well babies are with their
mothers - period.

When I had my first baby, (almost 17 now) the staff wanted to take him to a
nursery.  They said that was what happened for 4 hours after birth.  When I
questioned this, they said it was so they could wrap him up and place him
beside a radiator to set.

I was not impressed with separating mothers and babies then.  I am not
impressed now.  Perhaps the switches and abductions will help people to
question the existence of well baby nurseries.
Mary Broadfoot, Paisley, Scotland
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