Hi all.  I'm new to this list but have been enjoying the collective wisdom of
all who have posted in the last week or so.  I'm a R.N. x  20 years (Gosh, has
it really been that long?) working in newborn/NICU/peds and have breastfed all
4 of my own kids.  Though not a LC in the truest sense, I  have counseled many
moms over the years and have recently become involved with a group of soon to
be adoptive moms who are interested in nursing their babies.

I've read plenty about HIV and nursing written about the mom as viral carrier,
but almost nothing about the chances of viral transfer from HIV exposed
newborn to adoptive mom who is attempting to induce lactation.  References,
articles, opinions etc. would be much appreciated.  I'm looking forward to
your replies.

Marie deSoto  R.N.