She will almost certainly produce some milk.  She may even produce all the
milk the baby needs, but the chances are low.  I think the main issue is to
help the mother understand that there is more to breastfeeding than
breastmilk.  That she can breastfeed forever if she wants to, though she may
not be able to breastfeed exclusively.  I think it is also important to help
her understand that babies go where the milk is coming from.  Therefore, if
she needs to supplement and does it with a bottle, the baby will eventually
stop breastfeeding.  With a nursing supplementer, there should be no

She can if she wishes use herbs to increase her milk, or domperidone, she
can use breast compression to help the baby get more, but all these things
will maximize the amount the baby gets from her, but may not necessarily
result in a full milk supply.

For more info: check at:


Look at: breast compression, Treatments for Problems (herbs), lactation aid,
Adopted Baby (many of the same issues), domperidone

Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC