In my experience, women who have never cycles regularly tend to have
very limited ductal development and thus should be counselled to expect
a very limited milk supply. But--for any adopting mother, the focus
should be on bonding, not milk, anyway.  Milk is a wonderful side
benefit of this essential way to build the maternal-infant bond.  Now, I
understand that women with polycystic ovaries often have large breasts
and I don't know if this indicates that there is a lot of ductal
development or a lot of fat deposited on the mammary glands. In any
case, the couselling need not differ from the advise you give any
adopting mother. Have her pump until the baby comes and then return the
pump and fcus just on the baby. If she gets a lot of milk, fabulous!  If
she gets a little, that's wonderful!  If she gets none, how luck her
baby is to have this precious opportunity to be nurtured at the breast!
Best of luck--
Judy Gelman,IBCLC
Mother of 3 adopted and breastfed children