In response to Gail's request:

Many of our babies are critically ill when admitted and have a
questionable prognosis.  Mothers expressing an interest in providing
breastmilk are given a double pump kit and instructed on how to use it,
etc.  Personally, I think that as long as the baby is alive, the mother
should be encouraged to pump.  The baby may or may not be getting the
milk but it is still the mother's connection to her newborn and she does
feel that she is able to do something that could actually benefit her baby.

  When a mother decides not to pump anymore I sometimes worry that
she is giving up on the baby.  As long as she is pumping, she is still
optimistic that her baby will live.  The most wonderful moment is when
the baby finally gets those first precious drops of mother's milk.  Even if
it's many weeks after birth and given in a feeding tube, the mother feels
that she is able to contribute to her baby's health with her expressed milk
and actually make a difference.  I think psychologically there is a
tremendous importance to the mother to be able to pump and provide milk
for her critically ill infant.

Rachelle Lessen, RD, IBCLC
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia