Dear Dr.  Mira,

Because I teach Lamaze classes,  I get to hear from a large number of new
moms about their breastfeeding experiences.   Most of the breastfeeding
problems I see relate to the type of birth the mom had.  The typical
scenerio that leads to the most problems with breastfeeding is the use of
the vacuum extractor often following an epidural.  The vacuum contributes
to babies who won't latch to breast (often bottle feeding is a problem
for a while also) or baby chomps & hurts mom (bleeding nipples). In my
experience, these moms have the most need for intensive bf help.

When a baby needs bf help,  I ask the mom about the birth, medication &
interventions used.  Usually that causes more bf problems than the

Sylvia Boyd,  CLE,  PT,  LCCE
mailto:[log in to unmask]
Hayward, CA

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