Rebecca (and everyone else),
I, too, received info from ABM co. (aka "The Swill Makers") when I was
pregnant.  The first postcard, I sent back checked "breastfeed only."  I
got another card.  Then I responsded, "I intend to bf my child for 4
yrs."  I never received another unsolicited piece of mail from the Swill
Makers again.
BTW, one of our weekly, "alternative" newspapers (City Paper) in Phila.
had a fabulous 2 pg. piece on breastfeeding.  Very positive.   Also
included stumbling blocks such as MDs and nurses presented in a very
non-biased manner.  We were all very excited to see such great press.
Hope everyone had a great WBW.

Johanna Berger, LSW
Breastfeeding Counselor
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