Thank you to all of you offered advise about my mom with the
34 week gestation baby (mom had Betamethosone and Mag.
Sulfate) - who had no milk production.
Talked to mom today - she has been putting baby to breast -
baby only stays for 2 - 3 minutes, pumping every 2-3 hours,
taking Fenugreek (yes, she smells like maple syrup!) - and
when she pumps, she still get NOTHING!!  She is getting so
I advised her to try a SNS last week when I saw her, but she
did not get one then - today, she thinks she will try that!
Anyone ever had a mom like this who just NEVER produced
I also advised her to have her own thyroid and prolactin level
Dianne Kemp RN, BA, CPCE, IBCLC