A few things I thought of right away.
Formulas are better than they were in the past BUT baby is not
(as we all know) getting enough of everything. At this point
you can mention some of the factors in milk not in formula. I
say some b/c you might not have the hours to say them all
Next, how do you know a bottle fed baby is getting
enough? Because it looks like enough? When bottle
feeding moms ask how much a baby should take I give them
the same basic answer I give BF moms. "What ever makes
him pop, pee and grow."
The baby threw up so therefore has allergies? Maybe if there
was antral gastritis but I wouldnt blame allegries for just reflux.
Is Maryelle there to coment?
This person may not have gotten the best help and maybe
trying to make herself feel better so I guess its up to you how
best to deliver these facts.
(Rob Cordes DO  pediatrician)