
I've convinced the "new products" committee at my level I to give SNS's a
trial period of 6 months. We have just enough 33 weekers and bili babies that
I think it's something we need.  We are pretty good but can do a ton better at
supporting breastfeeding.  Many representatives from all areas of the hospital
(purchasing, infection control, etc...) are involeved in deciding if a new
product can become a "standard". I need to develop a Policy and Procedure for
the SNS.  Some concerns: 1.) cost...right now there is nothing like this being
purchased by the hospital. Babies who could use it get a red nipple and a
volu-feeder given to the hospital free, so the hospital would feel the pinch.
Do other places have it as a "patient-charge" item?
2.) infection control.....the IC people are concerned since the company we are
trying says to use only for 24 hours.  How is it cleaned in those 24 hours,
how is it stored, and what will the added costs be?
3.) who decides when it can get used.......MD, NP, RN, parent?

If anyone has a written policy on the use and cleaning of an SNS, would you e-
mail it to me? JCAHO is coming to inspect us next month so I'm afraid if all
this isn't perfect I may have to put everything on hold until after the
survey. Thanks!
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