Regarding shook swarming for comb honey production I'd advise against it
at this time of the season.  Although hives will swarm in July, and in
the past few years I have seen late swarms, even in August(!), it's best
to remember the rhyme:
                 A swarm in May
                   is worth a load of hay.
                 A swarm in June
                   is worth a silver spoon.
                 A swarm in July
                   ain't worth a fly!
Taylor's comb honey book is a good one and you should have good results
following the techniques he describes, but it's best to start earlier in
the season.  Late May is ideal.
From the new annals of stupidity: I shook swarmed a hive about two
weeks ago for the second time.  I originally SSed them in early June, but
the bees never moved into the comb honey super they jammed the brood
box with honey and pollen to the point that there were only two frames
left for the queen, who was laying.  Swarm cells a plenty told me the
SS was getting ready to swarm again.  So I quickly grabbed a medium super
and shook swarmed them again, only this time I tried to get ALL the bees
into the SS and gave the now beeless brood chamber to another hive.
Two days later, very few bees (less than a pound) were in the SS.  Very
curious!?  Upon examination I discovered that the medium super into
which I had shaken the bees had NO FOUNDATION!  Needless to say the
shook swarm absconded.
Aaron Morris - thinking that's how stupid I can be!