I have an urgent question for your collective wisdom -
A mother called me this morning {while getting four kids ready to go...)
with the following problem:

Baby two months old, bf from birth, everything OK, BUT mother has been
bleeding since birth - bleeding just didn't stop, says it is quite heavy
bleeding. The Gynecologist said it is "hormonal imbalance" and started her
on combined estrogen/progesteron  pills a few days ago, and even told her
it would make her milk less, but of course doesn't think this is too
important. Of course the milk went down, but the bleeding stopped. Mother
says retained placenta was ruled out (don't know how).

Mother very much wants to continue bf, and is very worried about her milk
supply, but the continued bleeding has been wearing her out.

Any ideas - why could she be bleeding, what can be done, can she stop the
pills a few days after starting (less than a week), will the bleeding start
again, will the milk come back, can she do anything while taking the pills
to get the milk back?

I already suggested getting a second opinion from a gyn., but I don't know
of a bf friendly gyn. around here, and don't know what else can be done.

Thanks for your help.

Mira Leibovich, MD