I've been reading all of the posts concerning Pierco et.al. and thought
I'd throw my two cents worth in, as my results were not as favorable as
those replying thus far.  I started with mediums in extracting supers
three years ago and the bees seemed to work them very well.  The only
problem I had with them was the sticking of "top and bottom bars"  which
made separation of supers difficult, and sometimes stirred the ladies up
more that I wanted to as I pried the frames from the bottom of the super
I was removing.  I could live with that.
     My problem came in using full depth frames.  The bees would rather
swarm that work the frames.  I used it in splits along with feeding and
I left it on during the nectar flow.  I don't think I ever used a whole
HB as a honey super during a flow (get too heavy for an old guy), but all
in all I found them much more difficult to use than wax foundation.  If
they drew it at all, they made more cross comb that anything.  I finally
gave up and had a great $300.00 fire.  Believe I'll stick with wax for
Jerry in PA
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