I know, you're probably saying, not again!  I have a mother of an 8 week
old.  Progressively more blood in stool, some mucous.  Pediatrician on
call didn't think it was too much.  Mother is getting anxious/nervous and
stressed out.  In addition, she is scheduled to return to work on July
14, 1998.

At my direction, she has eliminated all dairy products.  To compensate
she has purchased soy products, such as soy butter and soy milk for
herself.  In reading the labels of the foods she is consuming, in
addition to the soy butter and milk that she just added, soy seems to be
a common denominator in her diet.

Does anyone have experience with a response to soy protein in the
mother's diet?

The only other health problem the baby has is a blocked tear duct that is
being treated with Erythromycin ointment and massage.

Any thoughts?  Please e-mail me privately.

Chris Raasch, RN, IBCLC
Menomonee Falls WI

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