Thanks for all the suggestions for my last request.  This must be my
week.  I have another mom I could use your collective help .

I first talked to mom when her baby was one month.  This is baby #4---all
breastfed.  She had vaginal yeast before birth.  At the time mom called,
baby had diaper rash and mom had burning, itching nipples.  Mom had open
wound on nipple as well.

Mom and baby treated with Nystatin.

Mom called me today.  Baby is now a few days shy of 2 months.  Mom said
she felt better after thrush treatment.  Now, she no longer has any pain
or itching around nipples, but she says she fells pain in her breastbone.
 Yesterday, she noticed blood stains on her nursing pad.  Her baby spit
up milk that looked like it had dried blood in it.  There also was clots
in the milk.  Today, she hand expressed some milk.  It was tinged pink
with a bright red clot in it as well.  She said that she sees no visible
wound on her nipple.  This is the nipple that previously had the open

What could be causing this?  Has the thrush moved to the ducts?  Did she
have plugged ducts (clots)?  What about the blood?  Is this something
more serious requiring an immediate mammogram?

Thanks for your help.

Gloria Thai LLLLeader HAwai'i

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