My breastfeeding peer counselor showed me a book today from her native
Colombia that recommends a new way of feeding newborns; a milk diet is
not sufficent for newborns, says Dr. Jaramillo.
Chapter headings include:
La importancia de une nueva dieta en la alimentacion del recien nacido:
The importance of a new diet in the feeding of the newborn
La leche materna es pobre en proteins (mothers milk is insufficent in
La Leche materna carece de fibra (mothers milk is lacking in fiber (!)
La leche materna es pobre en minerales, en vitaminas, en lactoferrinas e
immunoglobulinas (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
He recommends soy milk that you make yourself with water, soy powder and
"sugar to taste" or milk from peanuts !!!!!!!!!!!!
AND in addiiton, to feed the newborn:vegetables green and yellow(
cabbage, broccoli, spinach etc), grains (rice, corn, oat and "cebada" -I
think that's barley), , beans (legumes), tubers (potatos white and
sweet), chicken , fish, eggs meat. You blend it all together and feed it
either from a spoon or bottle RIGHT FROM BIRTH.
He says: Remember, mothers milk is a good food for your child, but it is
not complete, it is important to give your baby a complementary diet for
the best growth and develpment. Babies need fiber in order to have normal
bowel movements and thus avoid colic. When there is a lack of mothers
milk you can subsititue soy or peanut milk.
He then analyzes mothers milk: (percentages per 100 cc of milk)
water 90%
fat 3.8%
protein 1.5% grams: his note: only 0.7% is soluble, the rest is
immunoglobulins and lactoferrins
Vt C 1.0mg%
Vt A 152 units %
Fiber 0
iron 0.01mg%
Vt E 0
Vt D 0
Manganeso 0
Mothers milk is very lacking in Vt C with great detriment to the baby
Baby's brain will be severely affected by the deficiencies in mothers
Babies fed on milk only diets don't start walking til 12-14 months, but
babies fed the complementary diet will walk as early as 7-9 months.
Babies are capable of absorbing all foods right after birth,proven by the
low mortality rates of babies on this diet.
Where is this man coming from???
Anyone in Colombia know about this? The peer counselor's niece had
previously breatfed her dtr for 2 years; the second baby, for one week
and was put on this diet. BTW it sounds like he thinks its OK to also
give mothers milk,the diet is meant to be complementary. So the mom
didn't even follow the guidelines.
The Colombia Coffee Growers Assn has sponsored this book, yes, that's
Juan Valdez on the cover.
Speechless in NYC
Pearl Shifer, IBCLC
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