
I had experience with this myself when my youngest was not yet 12 months.
 I had a cavity forming under a very old filling, so it couldn't wait.
My understanding is that chewing food, gum, etc, causes the release of
mercury.  It is continually released.  I discussed with my dentist the
fact that I was nursing.  We discussed the research on mercury exposure,
etc.  My dentist is experienced in the procedure and took all the proper
precautions.  I did not wean.  I did not have a mercury amalgam put back
in this time.  My dentist would love to get the rest of the mercury out
of my mouth and so would I, but I am waiting until it becomes necessary
or I am no longer nursing.

I would suggest waiting if it is not something that has to be done

Hope this helps.

Gloria Thai LLLLeader HAwai'i

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