I can only find the time restrictions on the Palm Beach/Fort Lauderdale
 hours form but I was informed that the restriction is also in place for
Miami if
 you are coming in after  (6 on the 14 or 7on the 15) or before the
shuttle hours
 in the AM.

Here is what I have found.

The hotel will send a shuttle "One Way Cost" is $65.00 plus tip/tax =

A taxi will cost about $55.00 but is dependent on meter so it will depend
how the driver takes you..... price could be more..... I don't know if it
would go
 to the $76.00 the hotel will charge.

A third suggestion was to arrange with other travelers who are arriving
 6/7 to share the cost of a ride. I am assured that the airport is busy
 that you will be able to gat a cab easily even later in the evening (not
 the case in a small airport)

If conference attendees can discover who is coming in to the same airport

about the same time they can arrange to meet ahead of time and share a
 ride...... Or another suggestion was to hold up an ILCA sign in the
 area to hook up at the airport. What a frustration! These place that
seem so
 visitor friendly--- "Just send your money please and don't bother us"

Beverly Morgan, IBCLC, CLE
San Jose, Ca

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