I follow with interest the dicussion of the Harris Matrix, having
collaborated with Dr. Harris on a book about applications of this
technique of stratigraphic interpretation (Practices of Archaeological
Stratigraphy, Academic Press, 1993).  I believe that Linda Derry
probably captured the essence, if not the actual words, of Harris
regarding failure to recognize stratigraphy when presented with it.  I
don't read anywhere that Edward Harris is suggesting that all
archaeological sites are visibly stratified or that prehistorians are
necessarily bad diggers by virtue of employing arbitrary levels.
To learn that Harris is "dead wrong" thus comes as somewhat of a
surprise.  Is this what such forums are all about- putting words in
other peoples' mouths so that others may take offense?  I don't find
such exchanges very productive.
Many prehistorians do, in fact, put the Matrix to good use where
appropriate.  As a technique for keeping track of complex stratigraphy,
the Harris Matrix has proven itself around the world.  I share Derry's
suprise that a technique that has been in use for nearly a quarter of a
century should fall on deaf ears, or at least appear to her to have done
so.  After reading all the postings related to hers, I also do not
understand how this technique (or rather words attributed to its
inventor) could have managed to provoke such heated misunderstanding at
least from one quarter.  I'll have to let Dr. Harris know that he has
been "flamed" in abstentia.
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