If the bassinette card says "Breastfeeding:  no pacifiers, formula, or bottles
unless medically necessary *and with mother's knowledge and consent* or at
mother's request.

You might be amazed how many bottles of glucose water or formula might be
deemed medically necessary when they are not truly so.  My firstborn's
bassinette card said "BREASTFEEDING" and I naively thought that would have
been enough, but it most definitely was not.  My baby was given pacifiers and
glucose in a bottle without my knowledge or consent while she was in the
nursery on her first night of life (I had HELPP and was hooked up to all the
bells and whistles still, for 24 hours) and not surprisingly she was not
hungry when she was brought to me.  She became jaundiced from *lack of
breastfeeding* which thankfully I knew enough about to manage on my own once
home from the hospital on day 5.

Mother's knowledge and consent for anything but breastfeeding a breastfed

Lisa Jones, LLLL in sunny Wellington FL