From: Nleeguitar <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: traumatized woman with low supply
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 07:41:44 EDT
Organization: AOL (
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Dear Janice:
   what a challenging case. And how lucky she is to know you, who will search
every where for an answer.
   There is something called somatoemotional release that is a technique for
releasing stored trauma. A cranio-sacral therapist who has done this level of
training may be a help in this sad situation. It is very gentle, non-invasive
   If you have her zip code, I could email you names of practitioners in her
area that have taken this training that I would get from my directory. While
this may or may not help her with her milk supply, it would help her healing
from the assault.
   Is she sleeping with the baby, doing lots of skin-to-skin just for
pleasure? And trying the fenugreek and blessed thistle supplement? Having any
joy in her life? I have had some success with problem solving with the mother
about a way that she can have some ease in her life. For example, with this
mother, I might recommend that she start the feeds with the SNS to reduce the
tension in them both. Nice thing about the SNS is that the level of milk taken
out of the flask drops as her supply comes up. There is no rush. Maybe limit
the amount of supplement used in the flask to 3 oz or so, so that baby gets
hungry again in more of a breastfeeding pattern (every 1-3 hours). Keeps him
from crying, which burns up calories and weight. Just some thoughts. I am not
there, so of course it is easier for me to come up with suggestions. Good
luck. Warmly, Nikki Lee