I think your right about doc's who are interesded in
 BF being the ones to attend a lecture. This happened
 to me when I was a resident and discovered I was a
pediatrician who didnt know how to feed babies.
I asked to hospital IBCLC and chief resident to arrange
a lecture which was given and attendance was very
Thinks I could think to cover are basic technique and
 them problem solvivng such as poorly gaining babies
 and sore nipples, also ealry eval of the baby. Marianne
Neifert article from Contem Ped might help. Briefly mentioning
 Bf and meds might be helpful. To save time maybe just
mention the few that arent compatable.
Since your in Isreal, Arthur Eidelman MD might be of help.
He's a neonatalogist and Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine member.