To give some follow up I spoke to the parents I worked
with "all by myself" I had seen them in the office on 5/17
then they came back on 5/18 my day off for a nurse visit. After seeing me on the 17 they went home and supplimented with
 the next feed by finger feeding then mom got the baby to latch
using a shield. Mom felt an increase milk supply and didnt
suppliment after that. The next day baby was up an once,30
How do we wean the baby off the shield? Cut progressively
bigger holes in it?
If all is well at home I'll see the baby again when he is 2 weeks
 old for a well visit. And at that time immunize him, against Hepatitis B. That way we dont worry about him as a teenager
 or as a child if another child bites him. (Sorry ( to quote Jack)
 devil made me do it. )