The following appeared in the current issue:
Stubborn Diaper Rash? When other possible causes have been eliminated,
maybe it's time to think zinc....zinc is crucial to the proper
functioning of cells. A lack of it can affect the skin, leading to
persistent diaper rash eruptions. What can cause a baby to be
zinc-deficient? Some mothers' milk is naturally low in zinc, while
certain children have a disorder that hampers the mineral's absorption
and metabolism....

Isnt there a  metabolic disorder where zinc isn't  absorbed, and doesn't
this affect the perioral area? I remember coming across this when
studying for the LC exam. It was a very specific disorder which I can't
remember the spelling of....I don't think mothers' milk zinc deficiency
was the cause. Is this another possible cause of the metabolic disorder?

There's also an article about how a mom "ferberized" her one year old in
"only" three nights, which involved 55 minutes of crying the first night,
but only several bouts of whimpering the next two nights. Mom is so
happy, "more rest each night means I can be a better mom all day".

 ferberizing also happens for the two daytime naps. By the second day,
the baby cries only for 15 minutes for her first daytime nap...

Pearl Shifer, IBCLC

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