
     Has this mom tried a wrist brace?  I have had carpel tunnel during
late pregnancy with all three (am due May 24 with this one).  This is
the first time someone had suggested the wrist brace - and it works.  I
just wear mine at night as that is when the  spasms are the worst but
have heard of others wearing it during the day, if needed.  You can
purchase it over the counter at your local pharmacy or drugstore.  The
one I bought has a picture of a hand and a computer in the background.
I was really not able to sleep before the brace - kept getting up to ice
my hand (even tried cabbage) without success.  It feels awkward to have
it on at first but can still use the hand with some limitations.
The price was somewhere around $16.00 - and that's the inflated Alaska
Pam Rardon RNC, BSN, ICCE, IBCLC (Soldotna, Alaska)