Just had a long phone call from a mother of 6 week old twins. (there are
three other children besides...including a formerly toilet trained
To distill the long history, the twins who have never been to breast
because mother just cannot spend the time with them, it's easier to pump,
the other children need her attention which she could not give them for
nine months  because her pregnancy and delivery were so  terrible (the
first twin was vaginal, the second was C-sec), the twins have been
getting pumped breastmilk all along, along with a succession of formulas,
starting with S------, then Pr------, now Ali------. Twins had developed
eczema and thrush, were treated with diflucan, and when off breastmilk
for two days , eczema disappeared.
I recommended that she eliminate dairy , read Dr. Rapp's book ("does this
sound like your child"-explains elimination and rotation diets). But I
wonder what is really happening here. Would yeast appear on the forehead
of the baby? if it was eczema, couldn't it have been brewing from all the
different things the baby was getting? Could dairy be the culprit here?
This is besides all the psychosocial things going on with this mother. "I
get very depressed during pregnancy, but I'm a real fun person, I love
having fun with my children" "my children are being neglected" "I have to
work in the family business" "Maybe breastmilk isn't always the best for
all children"
I couldn't get a handle on this mother, I don't know why she was calling
me if she doesn't want to breastfeed. She absloutely does not want to put
the babies to the breast EVER. She also wanted to know what was the
absolute longest someone could pump.
Would love to know what is really going on here.
Pearl Shifer, IBCLC

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