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>Subj:  LACTNET Digest - 27 Apr 1998 - Special issue
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>Date:     Mon, 27 Apr 1998 21:17:39 -0400
>Reply-To: Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
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>From:     Automatic digest processor <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:  LACTNET Digest - 27 Apr 1998 - Special issue
>To:       Recipients of LACTNET digests <[log in to unmask]>
>There are 13 messages totalling 359 lines in this issue.
>Topics in this special issue:
>  1. freebies!
>  2. Mike Woolridge
>  3. LACTNET Digest - 26 Apr 1998 to 27 Apr 1998 - Special issue
>  4. when to make the 2 yr. + BF plea
>  5. Rush Mothers' Milk Club - Paula Meier
>  6. link between breast cancer and bra wearing
>  7. USPS breastfeeding stamp suggestion...rejected
>  8. Placidyl or Ethchlorvynol
>  9. Co-bathing for attachment difficulties
> 10. anemic 9 m/o twin
> 11. Food aversion/FTT
> 12. LACTNET Digest - 26 Apr 1998
> 13. Lactnet handmade quilt raffle
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>Kathleen B. Bruce BSN, IBCLC [log in to unmask]
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> See details at
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 14:31:46 EDT
>From:    CawoodRGN <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: freebies!
> I have been listening to the discussion on freebies, gift packs, leaflets and
>what ever. We decided sometime ago in my health authority to stop giving any
>books, leaflets etc. that had any promotional aspect about them. When I book
>women and they enquire about previous gifts I just explain why we no longer
>give them. I have not  had one complaint or letter about this. I have found
>that women are interested in why we stopped our gifts and some ask for more
>We all like to receive something for nothing but when it is at cost to a baby
>and its health it is easy to give them up. I also hate the thought that the
>formula company's are claiming a tax benefit for producing and giving away
>freebies to all of us.
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 14:43:29 EDT
>From:    CawoodRGN <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Mike Woolridge
>Dear Kathy,
>Mike Woolridge works in Leeds , UK now at the University so you should be able
>to find him via the net., Chris Wood UK
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 14:52:47 EDT
>From:    CawoodRGN <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: LACTNET Digest - 26 Apr 1998 to 27 Apr 1998 - Special issue
>Oops, sorry everyone I forgot to sign off politely, I think its my age!
>As a note Anthony Williams at a talk on Donor Breast milk: Nutritional,
>Therapeutic and Medical Considerations spoke about IDDM in detail. He said
>that the resaerch to date showed that if the parents of the baby had IDDM then
>the risk was the same if breast or artifically fed, unfortunately. A real
>reduction in risk was seen when there was not a close family link.
>Bye for now
>Chris Wood, UK
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 15:39:05 EDT
>From:    Singdoula <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: when to make the 2 yr. + BF plea
>Hello Lactnetters,
>I am a professional labor assistant and childbirth educator in S. FL.  I would
>love to see each client making the commitment to BF for at least 2 years.  My
>main and first concern, of course is that the client have an informed and
>positive (as natural as is safe) birth experience.  Does anyone know of the
>ideal time to introduce the 2 yr+ recommendation? (and no solids till 6 mo.,
>feed on demand, preferably no supplementing, blah blah etc...) My dilemma is
>this: when the subject is introduced during pregnancy, it tends to overwhelm
>my client.  I hear statements like "I don't know if I can handle all
>this....pregnancy.....natural I have to BF forever!"  Yet, my
>fear is that waiting to cover the issue during the postpartum visits may be
>too late!  There could already be soreness, fear, engorgement...that w/o
>education may lead to supplementation or weaning.  What really surprises me
>time after time is that the women aren't already well informed about all of
>this when they come to me (as late as 30 weeks!) RARELY have they heard or
>read about a 1 year recommendation let alone 2yrs; what are OBGYNs doing about
>this? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
>frustrated and confused PLA and CBE
>Adriana Samargia Kaufman
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 16:10:24 -0400
>From:    Pat Bull <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Rush Mothers' Milk Club - Paula Meier
>Hi Netters, =
>Been off  lactnet for awhile and still trying to catch up.  Know there ha=
>been many questions about premature babies & BF issues on lactnet.  Paula=
>Meier, Dr. Richard Schanler, Nancy Hurst and Dr. Armond Goldman (etc)  ju=
>finished up speaking at the  "4th Annual conference for Advanced
>Practitioners.  Mother's Milk For The Preterm Infant:  Research, Outcomes=
>and Clinical Applications" here in Chicago area.  Wonderful as usual.  So=
>good research to be published really soon.  Watch for it.   Wanted to let=
>you all know that Paula's info on the program she has developed at
>Rush-Presbyterian Hospital called "Rush Mothers' Milk Club"  (a program o=
>breastfeeding services based on the latest research about mothers' milk a=
>special care babies) is now available in a brochure and packet.  The pack=
>contains papers on "Expressing Hindmilk for Your Baby", "Expressing
>Colostrum for Your Baby", Two reimbursement letters for insurance  compan=
>for pump rentals and baby scale rentals, and Mother's Milk Club Newslette=
> The brochure topics are "Overview of the Rush Mother's Milk Club,
>Expressing, Labeling, and Storing Milk for Your Baby, Expressing Your Mil=
>Labeling Your Expressed Milk, Storing Your Milk, Skin-To-Skin (Kangaroo)
>Care, Suckling at the Emptied Breast, Early Feedings at Breast, Preparing=
>to Breastfeed After Your Baby Leaves the Special Care Nursery, and After
>Your Baby Goes Home.  To order one the address is:  Rush-Presbyterian-St.=
>Luke's Medical Center, Department of Maternal-Child Nursing and Section o=
>Neonatology, 1653 West Congress Parkway, Chicago, IL  60612.  (312)
>942-6640.  Name of packet is "Welcome to the Rush Mother's Milk Club". =
>Need to ask for price.  Good seeing some of you lactnetters there. =
>Pat Bull, RN, IBCLC
>The Breastfeeding Connection/Medela
>Naperville, IL =
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 17:41:10 EDT
>From:    Nleeguitar <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: link between breast cancer and bra wearing
>Hi Everybody:
>   A while back, somebody posted a query about the study linking bra wearing
>with breast cancer. I just found, in the Birth and Life Bookstore Catalogue
>(Orders: 1-800-443-9942) a book published by the authors of that study. It is
>called "Dressed to Kill" by Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer and was
>published in 1995. $11.95 plus s&h.
>   The catalogue is so full, I wish I could take the summer off and read
>everything in it. Warmly, Nikki
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 18:03:09 EDT
>From:    Pearl Shifer <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: USPS breastfeeding stamp suggestion...rejected
>Here's the letter I rec'd from USPS:
>Dear Proponent:
>Thank you for your recent correspondence expressing support for the
>issuance of a commemorative stamp.
>This office has received similar proposals in the past. Therefore, the
>Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee has previously reviewed the nomination
>of this subject, but it was not recommended for issuance.
>Each year, we receive thousands of letters suggesting hundreds of
>different topics for new stamps. Since 1957, the Citizens'Stamp Advisory
>Committee has reviewed many worthy subjects and has recommended a limited
>number based on national interest, historical perspective, and other
>criteria. Unfortunately, a vast majority of suggestions submitted,
>including many meritorious and meaningful subjects, cannot result in a
>We appreciate your interest in our stamp program.
>James C. Tolbert Jr.
>Manager, Stamp Development
> 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW
>Washington, DC 20260-2435
>submitted to Lactnet by:
> Pearl Shifer, IBCLC NYC
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
>Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 18:21:40 -0400
>From:    Margery Forrest <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Placidyl or Ethchlorvynol
>Hello everyone,
>        I've been a good girl and checked the archives (both of them),
>and my Dr. Hale.  Is Placidyl (ethchlorvynol) compatable with breastfeeding?
>        Now, to complicate the question:  The baby is 5 weeks old,
>re-admitted to the hospital with coarctation of the aorta and bilateral
>pneumonia.  Baby has now been on the ventilator for 1 week, Dr.'s hoping
>to wean baby off today or tomorrow.  Mom is pumping away, but was finally
>talked into going home for some rest (mom and dad both exhausted, live
>about an hour away from the hosp.)  Someone (don't know who) gave mom a
>"sleeping pill" to help her get the rest she needs.....
>        This is actually after the fact, at this point, as the nurses
>have dumped mom's milk that was pumped after the full night's sleep.  I
>am still relatively new at this hospital, so no one asked me.  But after
>saying loudly that "I have references that will answer whether this drug
>would have been safe or not"  I now realize that I lied.  I do not.  Do you?
>        Thanks in advance for any information on this oldie but
>unreferenced drug.
>Margie Forrest, RN, BSN, IBCLC
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 17:25:42 -0500
>From:    "Bari Colleen Creager, CNM" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Co-bathing for attachment difficulties
>Let them bathe together! We talk to moms about the "magic" of sitz
>baths, I have never been able to figure out why women shouldn't bathe
>post partum. The mom and babe have the same body germ pool and this need
>to get back to essentials with each other is at the top of the priority
>list. If this simple time together will create  good, let them do it.
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 16:39:46 -0700
>From:    Mary H Cummins <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: anemic 9 m/o twin
>Any suggestions to increase hemoglobin (now at 7.4) of 20 lb. 9 month old
>twin.  He was born at 34 weeks and at 5 lbs. was a pound smaller than his
>twin sister.  Both babies nursed well from the beginning and were
>exclusively breastfed until 6 mos.
>Baby boy has little appetite for solids.  Mom reports that once a day she
>maybe can get him to eat 3 -4 tablespoons of pasta with tomato/ground
>meat sauce.  This baby is otherwise healthy and active although mother
>says he is paler than his sister who weighs a little more and whose
>hemaglobin is 10.5.
>Mom started him on liquid multivitamin drops with iron when she found out
>about his low hemaglobin.  I just read recent post about low iron and low
>zinc causing food to taste bad and will pass information along to her.
>TIA for any other suggestions,
>Mary Cummins, MEd, IBCLC
>Scottsdale, AZ
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
>Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 20:13:00 EDT
>From:    Wightsd <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Food aversion/FTT
>Hey guys, the name is Wight, and I don't remember that conference!  I know
>nothing about food tasting bad with low Zinc or Fe.  Sometimes PREMIES don't
>gain weight well when they are anemic.  I think you mistook Nancy Krebs MD for
>Nancy Wight MD, FAAP, IBCLC
>Still here but too much stuff to respond to every day!
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 21:03:34 -0400
>From:    PrMechell Roberts Turner <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: LACTNET Digest - 26 Apr 1998
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Automatic digest processor <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Recipients of LACTNET digests <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Monday, April 27, 1998 12:03 AM
>Subject: Formula Reps & stuff LACTNET Digest - 26 Apr 1998
>Hi all> Just returned from a local area perinatal conference. As the
>representative from our local ilca affiliate, I saw the R*** and W**** reps.
>The w***** Rep started to set up next to my booth. I was upset but said
>nothing. He moved once he saw that I was a breastfeeding-rep. He only broght
>literatured on birth control pills. Well I told him that he and W***M****
>had no business in putting formula on the shelves to confuse parents.
>What was Worse was that the R*** rep had breastfeeding stuff. ONly a few of
>the things that had to do with pregnancy, a dilitaiton chart and a gestation
>wheel. well the worst was the roll mints that they passed out. A five roll
>pack of mints in a silver wrapper, with a whit labels printed like S******
>formula. Yes I broght some home to complain about. and use for examples of
>viuolation of the Code.  By the  way they took info from all over theplace.
>Yes i told both reps they were in violation, there were rare places and
>times that their stuff was needed.but they cannot duplicate nature.
>And those men with breast envy, when in kindergarden of first grad did they
>not learn to share? my kids and husband shared without a problem. Steve
>loved to bathe and hold.  Even did kangaroo care, until the day my daughter
>latched on to his small and flat nipple. No more breast envy. He just liked
>the fact it was free. With our large brood, everything gets expensive.
>Mechell Turner, M.Ed. IBCLC
>Where in peachland winter rains have returned.
>Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 1998 20:13:29 -0400
>From:    Kathleen Bruce <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Lactnet handmade quilt raffle
>This is a reminder to talk to Jay Simpson if you want to purchase raffle
>tickets to win the handmade (unsolicited) signed-by-Lactnetters-quilts. They
>are blue and white, and are scanned in on the page in my signature. They are
>signed by Kathleen Auerbach, Jan Barger, etc, folks from Lactnet, and are
>one of a kind.
>Jay Simpson is taking ticket sales, at [log in to unmask]
>Tickets are inexpensive, and we will be announcing the two winners (2) in
>July, at ILCA, and will ship the quilts to the addresses of the winners.
>Proceeds to go to breastfeeding charities, as yet undefined.
>Thanks. Kathleen
>Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC co-owner Lactnet,TLC, Indep. Consultant
>mailto:[log in to unmask]
>LACTNET Archives
> Emily's Mothering Project-
>For LACTNET quilt raffle:
>End of LACTNET Digest - 27 Apr 1998 - Special issue