2 weeks ago I found sealed Q cells. Feeling prepared, I did an artifical
swarm immediately:
Moved old hive to one side. Took out Q with 2 brood frames and put in new
hive on old site.
Left 2 Q cells in old hive. 4 days later moved old hive to other side of
new hive.
Today I look in the new hive (old queen) - most bees are all clustering
(3/4 bees deep) on the two frames of brood. After a lot of looking I saw
the old queen and a few eggs, larvae, and also ome more Q cells, some
empty and one with a young larvae in ! Why ?
I thought that doing this procedure would 'fool' the old queen and her
mainly older bees that they had already swarmed. Any ideas ? Is this
Queen failing perhaps ?