If this truly happened as you say, and I have no reason to doubt this,
please encourage this mom to take her complaints (write it all down now -
you could help her with this, get names, times, etc to the best of her
recollection) to the top dog at the hosp. Or send a registered letter (or
several copies) to the top dog of nsg, med staff, admin., etc. She could
ask to see the hosp attorney to see if she has a case (even if it's just
a bluff) re maybe breach of contract? For example, was it held out to her
that she would have lactation support (in the hosp marketing materials)?
Anyway, my point being, this could really get things changing, get people
better educated. I have seen in my own hosp. that when a mother complains
and raises "hell" things get done. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Louisiana Breastfeeding MediaWatch
Violet Louisiana USA

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