Here's the letter I rec'd from USPS:
Dear Proponent:
Thank you for your recent correspondence expressing support for the
issuance of a commemorative stamp.
This office has received similar proposals in the past. Therefore, the
Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee has previously reviewed the nomination
of this subject, but it was not recommended for issuance.
Each year, we receive thousands of letters suggesting hundreds of
different topics for new stamps. Since 1957, the Citizens'Stamp Advisory
Committee has reviewed many worthy subjects and has recommended a limited
number based on national interest, historical perspective, and other
criteria. Unfortunately, a vast majority of suggestions submitted,
including many meritorious and meaningful subjects, cannot result in a
We appreciate your interest in our stamp program.
James C. Tolbert Jr.
Manager, Stamp Development
 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, DC 20260-2435

submitted to Lactnet by:
 Pearl Shifer, IBCLC NYC

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