Thank you to all that have responded to my vague post yesterday.
I guess I wasn't clear.
I already administrate a Peer Prgm at WIC.  I have 8 active peer
counselors.  I have given the training and run monthly enrichments
sessions for the peer counselors at a pc staff meeting.
My question is what to do with this group of women paraprofessionals at
the hospital that have an interest in becoming WIC pc's but don't
fullfill the requirements per se.  Is it valid to give them the training
and not call them WIC Peer Counselors.  They would like to have the
"status" and "credibility" that go along with being able to say you are a
peer counselor.  What would they be called if I gave them the training /
graduation but were not  employed by WIC and hence not technically WIC
Peer Counselors?  And is this justifiable.  Or can I only give them a
training (LLL or WIC)on my own time and have them be called breastfeeding
counselors upon graduation?
I don't know if this is any clearer but its an attempt....

Ilene Fabisch, Brockton WIC

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