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In the past 12 months,  several moms who have had breast reduction have
rented pumps from me.   3  out of about 9  were able to successfully
breastfeed.  The human body is amazing.   Many of the women who rent
pumps aren't successful in establishing successful breastfeeding.  I
think sometimes the women who comes  for a pump  & doesn't want a
consult,  often has other issues at stake.  Whatever amount of breastmilk
the baby receives is a plus.

One of the ladies who had had a reduction let me try Dr. Jack's breast
compression on her.   It was my first time & I was pleasantly surprised
how the baby's suck changed & he began to rapidly suck & swallow.   I
think breast compression turned that breastfeeding around.   Mom is hard
of hearing & periodically sends me e-mails.  Baby is still nursing at 8

Sylvia Boyd,  CLE, PT, ACCE
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