>What exactly is so terrible about explosive mucousy stools?
>Eventually they will stop.  It ain't worth stopping breastfeeding for
>that.  What long term data do we have that Alimentum is safe?

And IMHO, even "colic" is preferable to a severely allergic baby - they
grow out of the worst colic, generally but food allergies can be
lifelong. And I say this after having had a severely colicy, breastfed
baby who screamed for many hours a day for the first 4 months of her
life. Maybe on soy formula, she'd have screamed less, OTOH, my reasoning
was that if mother's milk upset her so, what could she be like on
formula? I wasn't prepared to take the risk.

It seems there is a bit of a double standard amoung some HCPs here: if
you are formula feeding and your baby is colicy, you are told it is
"only" colic and not to worry because she'll grow out of it (once
they've tried a couple of formulas to see if that makes any difference).
If, OTOH, you are breastfeeding, it seems suddenly to be seen as a major
problem for which you must wean. Anyone else come across this?
Anna (Mummy to Emma, born 17th Jan 1995, Alice, born 11th Sept 1996,
??? due 18th April 1998)
Email: [log in to unmask]  Web Page: http://www.ratbag.demon.co.uk/anna