I believe the "otitis vaccine" people refer to is a pneumovax that who be effective under age two. Pneumovax protects against many strains of streptococcus pnuemoniae or pnuemococcus which is the major pathogen in otitis media. Presently the vaccine is not effective in children under two and theyre the ones getting most of the otitis.
I agree more breastfeedding would be of great help but I still see at home BF not smoke exposed babies get otitis. You know red immobileTM bulging from fliud and distorted land marks.
The other problem is that some strains of pnuemococcus have developed resistance to pennicillin and some to cephalosporins. It bothers me when I successfully treat a child with reccurent otitis using clindamycin.
Because of lack of BF, smoke, day care and ever BF babies getting otitis I think this vaccine will help.
With Kathy and Kathy's OK I can post more info.