Hi Walt
As regards your sting to the eye:
Eyes are big puffy sacks (well the tissue around them) - very little
disturbance in the balance of liquid inside these cavities and
outside is required to make you look like a monster.
One can easily reach the stage when a sting on the hand or arm does
not swell for more than about 15 min, or not at all by being
regularily and numerously stung. I have however only had one occasion
where I boosted my tolerance to beestings to the point where a sting
to the eye had no major noticeable effect, and that was after three
bad days in which my total stings ran just over 240 - I prefer to
have a funny eye than to go through that sort of preperation.
(As regards the high sting count it had to do with a little problem
with using an electric jig saw to cut open a roof where a rather
large hive was nesting and a not so well made smoker that went out
Keep well
Garth Cambray           Camdini Apiaries
Grahamstown             Apis mellifera capensis
Eastern Cape Prov.
South Africa
Time = Honey
If parents taught kids about the birds and bees, guys would believe they were half the women they used to be!!
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