Congratulations concern your decision to have a moderated list.  Bee-L is
real good for sideliners, hobbyists, and commercial beekeepers and some
level of moderation will make it an even more positive tool.  Now that the
cat is out of the bag, I assume you will be telling us some basic rules
concerning netiquette that should be observed.
I belong to another list of some 800 subscribers that is moderated.  This
other list has far fewer long original messages that have to be scanned
through to get to a thoughtful reply.  In addition, it is easy to have
private conversations as everyone must sign with their real name and their
email address.  Finally, while there is no lack of disagreement on various
issues raised, the mere presence of the moderator seems to keep everyone
polite or maybe I just never see those that are less polite!
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Owner, Ross Rounds  the finest in comb honey production.