Hello All,

I would like to add a little comment to the posts on allowing babies to eat
solids when they show signs of readiness, one being interest in grabbing the
food mom is eating.  Even if a mom allows eating when these signs appear, I
think it is important that she be alert to what the side effects can be.  One
can certainly be food allergy, but another can be early weaning, if baby
really shows a preference for solids.  My second child did this, and in her
case, I made the executive decision to cut back on solids and encourage
breastfeeding instead.  Otherwise, I feel she would have weaned very early.  I
feel very strongly that mothers must understand that babies don't always
decide wisely, and sometimes moms must overrule their preferences for their
own good!

When giving moms information on starting solids, I always include that breast
milk should be their main source of nutrititon well into the second year.

Ann Davis, LLLL, Dayton, Ohio
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