Rob Ferguson wrote:
> In response to Dan Mouer's comments on government archaeologists:
> I think we all have "little time" for such sweeping statements that condemn
> people in a category of employment.  Is there any one who doesn't know an
> academic archaeologist who has coasted for years on the lectures he/she
> prepared in their youth?  Or a contractor who has allowed commercial
> interests to over-ride heritage concerns?  That does not mean that all
> people in those areas are without merit.  Likewise, there are numerous
> archaeologists in federal, state and provincial offices in US and Canada
> who do innovative and exciting work, and who actively promote the
> development of archaeology within their jurisdiction.  Bashing the civil
> service is something that should be left for simplistic journalists (oops,
> I feel a sweeping statement creeping in).
Mea culpa! Right you are, Rob. I have just had too many recent
experiences with the wrong ones. I do know a great many very good
archaeologists in government service, however. Apologies.