> I'm trying to locate information (books or websites) on the use of DNA analysi
> to track the migration of peoples (especially European) so far I have had no
> success. Is anyone out there working in this field.
> John Duguid
> Dunbar
> East Lothian
> Scotland.
The following has some references for tracing movement of European
peoples (using genetic studies along with other evidence), circa
6,000-1,000 years BP:
L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza (1996).  The spread of agriculture and nomadic
pastoralism: insights from genetics, linguistics, and archaeology.
Pages 51-69 in Origins and Spread of Agriculture, ed. David Harris.
Daria E. Merwin
Institute for Long Island Archaeology
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, New York  11794-4364
phone: (516) 632-7618
fax: (516) 632-9165