Dear Lactnetters,
I tried to send this privately but it bounced back. Since I haven't seen
anyone else mention it, I thought I'd send to the list too. My apologies for
perpetuating an off-topic thread, but perhaps it will help other bf babies

>have the parents checked the car seat for adequate padding? My second child
>was also unhappy in a moving car when very small. Turned out that the seat
>had only a thin piece of foam as padding under that attractive outer cover!
>It was enough to be comfortable when still, but vibration from the moving
>car made it really uncomfortable.
>Perhaps they could try a sheepskin and one of those cushioned head cradles
>(sorry, can't remember what they're called!).
>Good luck to them.
>Angela Burton
>LLL Leader, Guam

Vivian Derr wrote:
>>I have been in the practice of pediatrics for 30+ years and have never
>>heard this one before, so I thought perhaps there was someone out there
>>that was more seasoned than I who would like to shed some light. This is
>>not really a breast feeding problem but does involve a 3  month old
>>breastfed baby who starts to scream as soon as the car starts moving and
>>calms down when the car stops. She does fine in a stroller or swing.
>>Parents have tried everything---different cars, car seats and position in
>>the car.  They have even taken her out of the car seat (don't tell anyone)
>>and attempted to breastfed her but she just screams.  A one hour ride to a
>>family wedding was delayed as they had to stop and calm her down four
>>during the trip.  When not in the moving car she is a delightful, happy,
>>playful, thriving breastfed 3month old infant.  Anyone have any ideas?