One of my clients just called, to tell me that she now believes that her
30lb wt gain during the past 3 months is due to being on metoclopramide
(10mg TID).  She's actually only been on it for 6-8 weeks for ISM.
Concerned about her weight, she asked two different pharmacists if this
medication could have anything to do with her weight gain, and they both
said yes, it might (therefore it is?!).

No materials I have suggest weight gain as even a rare side effect, nor
have I ever heard this concern before.  Were these pharmacists just
shooting at the only variable she presented (you know, anything is
possible), or have I missed something?  Anyone else hear of this?

Mom is a single parent since during the pregnancy, four kids to care for
and a rather mixed up life.

Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC